Lab Tour
A Look Inside SCDL
We have lots of dedicated parking just a minute or two from the lab
A family arriving, ready for science!
The lab is just a short walk down the street Mark Twain called the most beautiful in America
The courtyard outside the lab. Picnic spot!?
Our lab is in SSS (Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall)
Which way to the Tiger Lab?
Oh, there it is!
The lab's colorful entry hall
Fun in the playroom before a study
Before we start the study, we tell parents about it and have them sign a parent consent form
Study in progress!
Participating in a study on children's understanding of groups—will you be in the Orange or Green group?
Dad watches live from the playroom on a tablet computer
Our live video feed of the study
The prize wall!
A difficult choice …
And we’re all done, heading back to the car!